Installing Homeassistant in a Docker container (e.g. on Raspberry Pi)

How to install Homeassistant in a Docker container.

Published: 2021-09-08
Last updated: 2021-09-08 23:16



This is the guide that I have followed for installing Home Assistant on Docker:

It is split in X steps:

  1. Install prerequisites. This means the libraries and programs that are needed for the installation, such as Docker, NetworkManager, etc. (see here).
  2. Download the installer script:
     $ curl -Lo
  3. Run the installer script for your specific machine configuration:
     $ bash --machine raspberrypi4  # Not rpi64(!)

You should now see a truckload of containers running when you run the command docker ps (except for the addons):

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                        COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                                                                                                                          NAMES
e4e74391821e   homeassistant/armv7-addon-nginx_proxy:3.0.2                  "/init /"          26 hours ago   Up 26 hours   >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp                                                       addon_core_nginx_proxy
e368bb8a7c82   homeassistant/armv7-addon-configurator:5.3.3                 "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            addon_core_configurator
667f0bd06813                  "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            addon_a0d7b954_nodered
5de96fd9b603   homeassistant/armhf-addon-deconz:6.10.0                      "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            addon_core_deconz
7cec24a697d0   homeassistant/armv7-addon-duckdns:1.13.0                     "/init /"          26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            addon_core_duckdns
639745b0716b   homeassistant/armv7-addon-mosquitto:6.0.1                    "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours   >1883-1884/tcp, :::1883-1884->1883-1884/tcp,>8883-8884/tcp, :::8883-8884->8883-8884/tcp   addon_core_mosquitto
7cb55f454264   homeassistant/armv7-hassio-multicast:2021.04.0               "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            hassio_multicast
2b0d613fa555            "/init /bin/bash -c …"   26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            hassio_cli
4bdfdbf18f22          "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            hassio_audio
1037d933ec74            "/init"                  26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            hassio_dns
7bf259658e41   homeassistant/armv7-hassio-supervisor                        "/init"                  4 days ago     Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            hassio_supervisor
8ea5f06d0c1f   "/init"                  7 days ago     Up 26 hours                                                                                                                                            homeassistant
1dddcf5c35d0   homeassistant/armv7-addon-check_config:3.8.0                 "/init"                  7 days ago     Exited (0) 7 days ago                                                                                                                                  addon_core_check_config
76315327b5ee       "/init"                  2 months ago   Up 26 hours   >80/tcp, :::4357->80/tcp                                                                                          hassio_observer

This might seem daunting at first. But, basically, each program runs in its own container: like Home Assistant; a supervisor that keeps track of updates and the home assistant state; other helper containers; and addons. Each container has its own version, state and log. All of which can be accessed either through Home Assistant (version and logs), or by using the docker commands.


Before migrating the files, make sure to stop Home Assistant. This can be done with the command ha core stop or docker stop homeassistant. When done, start it again by replacing stop with start.

The configuration files for the Dockerized Home Assistant are located under /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant. Make sure to move your existing files there, if you have any (e.g. configuration.yaml, and possibly even login tokens).

>>Install some addons

The next step would be to actually start using the supervised HA features, by for example, installing some addons: Homeassistant addons