Compiling Python 3.7.3 on Raspberry Pi Jessie

Published: 2019-07-18
Last updated: 2020-05-21 22:05


Building Python can be a breeze! This guide has helped me in the past.

sudo apt install libffi-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev zlib1g-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev tk-dev build-essential libncursesw5-dev libc6-dev openssl git
git clone
cd cpython
./configure --enable-optimizations
make -j8
sudo make install

>>If it wasn’t able to compile some libraries

Sometimes it is harder to get it to work…

>>>Not able to compile _ssl?

For me _ssl did not compile since it complained on an -fPIC. Clone the openssl repo and build it yourself.

git clone
cd openssl
./config -fPIC
make -j8
sudo make install
# Go back to the cpython directory and compile using the new openssl
cd /path/to/cpython
./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --enable-optimizations LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/ssl/lib" CFLAGS=-fPIC

>>>Not able to compile __uuid?

Might also need uuid-dev (if it complains on missing _uuid)